Johnathon Norgrove

Photo from: K10's Wedding

Sup' Nerdmigo's I'm the Jive Talkin' Nerd Jon Norgrove creator, editor, and host of Nerd:Jive. A co-host on the new witchy podcast, The Horn and Cauldron, focusing on all thing heathenry, occult, and naturalism. A horror writer in progress, an artists of abstract pour paintings and occult accoutrements, and a “sort-of” professional photographer. So yeah, I’m a busy guy.

Julie Norgrove

Photo from: Portland, OR.

Hey Nerdmigo's it’s me Wife, co-host of Nerd:Jive and resident WoW expert streaming on A co-host our new podcast, The Horn and Cauldron, focusing on witchy things from tarot to herbalism to ritual work. I’m a Bob Ross style painter, a seamstress, and an ex-semi-professional Cosplayer, even though we still cosplay.
