Kitchen Witchery 102: Potions

Greeting’s heathens and witches,

Welcome to the Horn and Cauldron podcast…

Potions and magic go hand in hand. They are drunk to enhance magic, obtain immortality and even to cure illness or disease. In this episode, we discuss some of the highlights of potion history… and ramble a bit. But you expected that, right?

Literature, folklore, and pop culture are filled with references to potions, going back thousands of years. We talk briefly about a handful of references to potions, including the Elixir of Life, The Holy Grail, and Florida Water.

In addition to sharing two spells we’ve written, we also go over the building blocks of creating a potion, things to avoid, and ingredients you can use for potions with intentions of love, protection, abundance, energy, healing, and increasing magical powers.

If you’d to hear more about Kitchen Witchery, listen to Episode 19: Kitchen Witchery